1. Actress Maitreya filed a complaint of cheating and sexual harassment against Union Minister Sadananda Gowda’s son Karthik Gowda. Mr. Sadananda Gowda is at present Union Minister for
A. Agriculture
B. Defence
C. Commerce
D. Railways
2. Which of the following statements is/are true with respect to ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana’ launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 28th, 2014?
A. This scheme provides the poor with zero balance bank account with debit card, life insurance and accidental insurance coverage
B. The account holders are provided with a facility of Rs. 5000/- over draft
C. A record of 1.5 crore bank account were opened on first day across the country the largest exercise on a single day in the world.
D. The Prime Minister said that if Mahatma Gandhi worked to remove social un-touch- ability, to get rid of poverty we have to first get rid of financial untouchability
Chose the correct answer from below:
1. A and B
2. C and D
3. A,C and D
4. A, B, C and D
3. ‘As long as World exists the rape will continue’ the outrageous remark was made by Deepak Haldar a Member of Legislative Assembly from West Bengal. The MLA belongs to
B. Congress
4. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the Japanese encephalitis for which the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issues notices some state governments?
A. The notices have been issued to the Chief secretaries of Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Odisha
B. According to media report there is a large gap in demand and supply of vaccine
C. The NHRC observed that the content of the news paper if true it amounts to the serious violation of human rights of children
Chose the correct answer from below:
1. A and B
2. B and C
3. A and C
4. A, B and C
5. Which of the following state is called ‘Land of Green Revolution’ in India?
a. Punjab
b. Haryana
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Andhra Pradesh